Fresh from day one of the first of our 30th anniversary Schools in 2018, tutor Dana Segal shares her thoughts… Look out for her daily blogs coming this week.
The arrival of 29 fabulous chief executives, producers, artists, fundraisers and artists brings out not just the sunshine but also passions that exists across the arts and cultural sector in the UK (and beyond – with delegates this year from Russia and Austria we are fast becoming the International Arts Fundraising School!).
Day one of the course is an opportunity for attendees to understand the bigger picture – thinking about the strategy and key principles that underpin successful fundraising.
Lots of our attendees often just have fundraising as one part of their wider role, but soon realise that fundraising is a skill set that can be taught – much like accounting or IT. With such passion, drive and ambition in the room, we’re really looking forward to helping them hone their skills throughout the week. To do this, each day we invite our attendees to capture the most memorable or transformative things on our learning wall. It gives people the opportunity to see what others have taken away, as well as realise just how much they they learn each day!
What will feature on tomorrow’s learning wall? Well with sessions on trusts & foundations and relationship fundraising, I think we’ll need to line up one as big as the Great Wall….!
More tomorrow.