Ayr Gaeity

Small changes, big changes…

Today’s blog will be my final blog – because I feel like it sums up the whole week in one simple act.

You may ask yourself – how quickly can the learning on NAFS be implemented?

The answer? As quickly as you read that last sentence.

The brilliant Suzanne McLellan desmontrated the speed and effectiveness of behavioural economics techniques taught on the course as she raises funds for The Gaiety:

Ayr Gaeity tweet 1

So how did she do it?

Suzanne recognised some important lessons from across the week, putting them all into action to create an effective and persuasive tweet:

  • Don’t go on a blad blind date – make sure that the communication is focused on the other person, not on your organistion.
  • What’s in it for me? – why should they give to your cause? Make sure you tell them what is in it for them.
  • Make it concrete – try to make it as human to human as possible, drawing on imagination, memory and individual stories.

Build a relationship: encouraging people to support rather than donate creates a longer term narrative and makes the supporter feel valued beyond their cash.

Ayr Gaeity tweet 2 Ayr Gaeity tweet 3

Side by side, you can see how the simplest of changes have made for a much more attention grabbing and effective tweet.

So no, fundraising isn’t rocket science… but it is a skill and requires techniques. No matter how big or small your organistion is, the techniques and skills we teach at the National Arts Fundraising School are applicable and will transform your day to day fundraising.

Well done Suzanne! We are so proud of you and all your fellow graduates of the April 2018 National Arts Fundraising School


Dana Segal

National Arts Fundraising School lead tutor and =mc Partner Consultant

Contact Dana

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