A journey through film and fundraising

27th May 2017 by Deborah Parker

This guest blog is written by National Arts Fundraising School Alumna Deborah Parker, Chief Executive Officer at Cinema For All. We caught up with Deborah at a recent Alumni event and asked her to share her story since attending the School seven years ago: In 2009 I was working for one of the old Regional Screen Agencies in Manchester […]

Roxie Keon & Dominic Haddock

Day five at the National Arts Fundraising School

11th April 2017 by Dana Segal

After a late night preparing their pitches, NAFS participants are up early on this bright and sunny day in Alfriston to do their Corporate Pitch task. Everyone is looking super smart and ready to pitch to a company for anywhere up to £50,000 – and have six minutes to do so, with their fellow delegates watching, and a camera recording them…

Dr. Claire Routley

Day four at the National Arts Fundraising School

7th April 2017 by Dana Segal

Two amazing speakers today, starting with Dr. Claire Routley… the *only* lady with a PhD on Legacy Fundraising. Her enthusiasm is just infectious, and she gave some of the most interesting and useful insight on trends, motivations and promotional tips.

The Influential Fundraiser

Day three at the National Arts Fundraising School

5th April 2017 by Dana Segal

Something that strikes me about the way the course is structured and designed is how it enables us all, both staff and participants, to reflect on our learning so far and share experiences, thoughts, reservations, dreams and ideas with each other over the (delicious) meals.

Give & Get, or Get Off Mug Graphic

Day two at the National Arts Fundraising School

5th April 2017 by Dana Segal

Our session about how to develop relationships with Trusts seems particularly relevant this week, as the Garfield Weston Foundation announce their new strategy – including providing supportive materials for applicants on how to submit a good proposal, and good finances.

Dana Segal - Header Image

Day one at the National Arts Fundraising School

4th April 2017 by Dana Segal

Dana Segal, =mc’s newest Partner Consultant and co-leader of The National Arts Fundraising School offers up the first instalment of her daily blog.

Circle of hands in a "fist bump"

Crowdfunding, Gift Horses and their Dental Work

27th March 2017 by Bernard Ross

National Arts Fundraising School Founder-Director Bernard Ross looks at Crowdfunding, and explains why all may not be as it seems…

Zarko Koneski

Alumna Blog: Zarko Koneski

15th July 2016 by Zarko Koneski

In this blog, Zarko Koneski, Projects and Communications Coordinator, British Council Macedonia, shares his thoughts on The National Arts Fundraising School 2014.

Georgina Brown working with a group during an NAFS session.

Alumna Blog: Georgina Brown

15th July 2016 by Georgina Brown

In this blog, Georgina Brown, Arts Fundraising Fellow with Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, shares her thoughts on The National Arts Fundraising School 2014.

Hannah Kirkham at an NAFS session

Alumna Blog: Hannah Kirkham

15th July 2016 by Hannah Kirkham

In this blog, Hannah Kirkham, Project Manager for Locus+ shares her experience on The National Arts Fundraising School 2014. Locus+ is a visual arts commissioning agency that works with artists on the production and presentation of socially engaged, collaborative and temporary projects, primarily for non-gallery locations.

Laura, Bill and Matt at an NAFS session.

Alumna Blog: Bill Vince

15th July 2016 by Bill Vince

As money gets tighter, arts funders are increasingly having to act as fundraising advisers – helping their client organisations to secure their income from a more diverse range of sources. Below is a blog from Bill Vince, Senior Relationship Manager, Arts Council England who came on the National Arts Fundraising School in April 2014.

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