Bernard Ross (Headshot)
Our simple goal to is to help you deliver the ambitious targets you’ve been set. To do that we offer you skills and a strategy.We also offer you 3-12 months of rolling support depending on your programme choice.Want more? The National Arts Fundraising School is the world’s only programme with a money back guarantee. If within 12 months of attending the programme you or your agency has not raised at least a sum equivalent to the school investment we’ll repay the fee in full.
Bernard Ross, National Arts Fundraising School

Our guarantee requires you provide a set of audited accounts. Find out more in our Terms & Conditions.

4x onboarding and progress webinars | UK's most respected fundraising training

3 Flexible Options | 8 updated modules | 350 Page Manual | 28 modules

2000+ fundraisers trained, £500+ raised

100% money-back guarantee | Three months follow-up support

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