Success Stories
Hannah Kester
Hannah Kester
Head of Cultural Development
Awen Cultural Trust
Who we are
Awen Cultural Trust has run culture and wellbeing services on behalf of Bridgend CBC since 2015. Our venues include theatres, libraries, community settings as well as outdoor spaces. The Trust has been sending staff to the NAFS since 2018 and the training has been invaluable as the Trust takes on new projects across the south Wales region and progresses work on the £8m development of Maesteg Town Hall in Bridgend County.
How the NAFS team helped
I have worked on capital and revenue fundraising projects previously and found that the course and the experience of the tutors positively challenged ‘habits’ I have formed over the years, and I have been able to bring fresh thinking to my work. The skills and approach learnt has been practical and invaluable, particularly through the last year and as we increase our fundraising over the coming years.